Thursday, 1 December 2011



Someone once told me that mushroom
Was a really funghi to know
But after spending time with him
I don't agree this is so.

I first met him at the greengrocers
This curious looking fellow,
He gave me his mobile number
And said he lived in Portobello.

I decided to call round at his house
But I can't say I was impressed,
He just sat there all night in the dark
And he kept things close to his chest.

I think he'd been eating garlic
Because his breath was very smelly,
He undid all the buttons on his shirt
And vegged out in front of the telly.

I said 'You need to get out more
Maybe run in the fields or the woods'
He replied 'I'd like to try that
But I don't think that I could.

I've eaten lots of stilton cheese
And I'm absolutely stuffed
If I were to have a Shitake attack
My doctor wouldn't be too chuffed.

Besides it's always raining
And I'd have to wear my cap
I think I'd be better off staying in
And having a quiet nap.'

So I made my excuses and left
This so-called funghi friend,
All hopes of having a wild time
Had reached their inevitable end.


Tom McQuiggan said...

Trippy, man!

You keep setting the bar higher and higher. Good luck with the next one LOL.

Anonymous said...

You could wear your liberty cap.