Friday 18 November 2011

Runner Beans Are Frauds

Runner beans are not really runners
They just laze around on your plate
I've often watched them relaxing
 Lying there, still and prostrate

Butter beans are not made from butter
Or even from cheap margarine
The way they misrepresent themselves
To me seems almost obscene

Kidney beans don’t possess kidneys
or a heart or lungs or a brain
They don’t have a nervous system
A kidney bean never felt pain

Black-eyed beans do not have eyes
Not black, or green, or bright blue
If I saw a bean with a black eye
I'd think he'd been fighting - would you?

A Broad bean is hardly very broad
In fact, I’d describe them as slim
Broad beans are probably fitness freaks
And spend most of their time at the gym.

I've come to the final conclusion
That all beans are frauds; it transpires
They give themselves names they don't deserve.
Beans are frauds and compulsive little liars!


Tom McQuiggan said...

That's great! Could get used to this daily diversion.

Anonymous said...

....and they make you trump!! Another daily masterpiece. At this rate you'll be able to publish your very own anthology.

Stephart11 said...

Brilliant insight into beans! Oh how a poets mind works. Love them all x